Upper 30’s and clear
As YHC expected the turnout was light at the Grill as archery season is underway. Although Ringworm later reported that he got his morning workout by dragging two deer out of the woods, Pork Chop and I did a more traditional F3 workout.
Mosey to end of street for Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls, Sun Gods, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Side Lunges, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Plank Jacks
The Thang:
Merkin Mile – run along Schuylkill River Trail; stop each ¼ mile for 25 Merkins – total of 100 Merkins
Mosey to playground
- 10 Burpee Pull ups
- 15 Underdogs
- 20 Jump ups
- 15 Dips (IC)
Mosey to bandstand
- People’s Chair
- Bear Crawl/ Crawl Bear across stage and back
- Crab Walk/ Duck Walk across stage and back
Run lap around the park (~ 1/4 mile)
Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammers, WWI, Freddie Mercury, Flutter Kicks, 6 Inches
COT: Prayers for Pork Chop’s daughter as she is due any day.
There is something to be said for a duo workout as the mumblechatter was uplifting and impactful. We continued the conversation over coffee at Four Twelve. It was a very satisfying way to start the day.