Monday 11/26, 41 degrees, no rain.
Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.
Warm up: IC -Abe vigodas, SSH, grass pickers, side lunge, monkey humpers, imperial walkers, Merkins, Mayweathers, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers. One minute of stretching OYO.
The Thang: Since so many of the regular attenders missed the Black Friday workout, I thought I’d try it again. LAA = Legs, Arms and Abs. Four lanes, three stations in each lane. The key is to stay in your lane. Station 1 was legs: 30 squats, 20 lunges, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 30 calf raises. Station 2 was arms with 2, 15 lb. dumb bells. 15 curls, 15 military presses, 10 triceps presses or 15 skull crushers, and 10 back rows each arm. Abs station was: 30 half Supermans, 30 LBC’s, 30 flutter kicks, and 30 Freddie Mercuries.
Mary: 3 Rounds of dealer’s choice with recovery exercises between. Round 1 – plank for a count of 50, side plank for a count of 50 each arm and low plank for a count of 50. Recovery exercise =people’s chair for a count of 50. Round 2 – crunchy frogs, American hammers, box cutters, windshield wipers, and dollys. Recover exercise BTTW for a count of 50. Round 3 – crab cakes, Alabama prom dates, American hammers, and LBC’s.
COT. COR, NOR, announcements and prayer requests.
Extra credit. Dr. Suess, Downsize and Uptown Girl decided to explore the U-line loop across the street from Faith. It turned out to be almost 3 miles. Followed by coffeteria at Dunkin Donuts.