Just another Saturday Morning at the Office

Conditions: It was a clear and sunny start to the ruck from the Bee Hive with a temperature in the 62 degrees.

YHC posted for the ruck with a healing sprained ankle and the unforgiving 25# ruck sack.

“Thang:” I departed from the Shimerville Rd parking lot at 0527 and walked east onto PA Ave. I made a right onto 12th street followed by a left onto Arch St. I trekked through Chestnut Hill Rodale Park to 10th St. I climbed 10th St/South Mountain Dr to the top and descended two houses down to the other side to mailbox number 4988 before the 0600 alarm sounded to turn around and repeat the route back to the ‘Hive’ with three minutes to spare before the start of the beatdown. Total distance covered was 3.8 miles.

It was a great time for YHC to have mumble chatter with the Sky Q with intimate prayer and praise and sharing the struggles on the heart and asking for wisdom and love to reconcile those struggles.

F3 Lehigh Valley