Joy to the World Reprise

Conditions: upper 30’s damp. “Joy to the World, the Lord is come, Let earth receive her King, Let every heart prepare Him room, And Heaven and nature sing” Pocahontas and I had such a good time on Thursday that we decided to repeat the workout…or actually YHC double dipped on the workout plan.  Nonetheless we did the same workout but added some coupons and lifted the prior travel ban to Haiti and Turkey.  We also skipped Kenya and Israel since YHC is recovering from a stress fracture and can’t do any impact exercises. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Sun Gods, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, Best Stretch Ever, Calf Stretch, Mountain Climbers. The Thang: Joy to the World – F3-style tour of the world: We worked our way around the world as follows: AUSTRALIA:  10 AUSTRALIAN MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS; RUSSIA: 20 RUSSIAN DIPS (IC) (alternate extending legs on down dip); CHINA: 10 GREAT WALL JUMPS; JAPAN: 20 SUMO SQUATS; NEPAL: 15 EVEREST MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS (IC); CHRISTMAS ISLAND: ~ 15-yard RED CRAB CRAWL forward and back; USA: 15 AMERICAN HAMMERS (IC) WITH A 20 POUND KETTLE BELL; CANADA: ~ 15-yard POLAR BEAR CRAWL/CRAWL BEAR; MEXICO: 15 ROSALITTA (IC); BRAZIL: 10 BRAZILLION CRUNCHES (a.k.a. Parker Peter); HOLLAND: 15 WINDMILL (a.k.a. Abe Vigoda); BULGARIA: 10 BULGARIAN BALL BUSTER (reverse lunge ending with sharp knee up); FRANCE: 20 EIFFEL TOWER STEP UPS (each leg); GERMANY: 15 WWII SIT-UPS; SERBIA: 15 WWI SIT-UPS; TURKEY: 3 TURKISH GET-UPS (each side) with a 20 pound kettle bell; EGYPT: PYRAMID PUSH-UPS/OVERHEAD PRESS (1 to 7 to 1).  At this point we went to the playground to visit HAITI: 2 rounds of 10 UNDERDOGS AND AMRAP PULL-UPS.  Returned to the pavilion to finish off using the 20 pound kettle bells for arm curls, overhead press, tricep extensions, rows, and kettle bell swings. COT:  prayers for F3 men and our adult children. Off to Four Twelve for breakfast!

F3 Lehigh Valley