It was a balmy 35 degrees with a 11 mph wind so in other words it was better than cold. In the cool of the morning it is easy to stay in the fartsack where it’s warm, nobody knows your name, and your weakness matters not. The sun will rise or the rain will come down on the day. Regardless every man requires STRENGTH to meet the day and all the challenges known and unknown. Eventually we all face situations where we need STRENGTH beyond ourselves. Yes, said STRENGTH is available for those who believe and aren’t afraid to call on the name of the Lord. This workout was designed to remind us where we can get this kind of strength 24/7, 365. We look to Philippians 4-13: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. May this workout be a reminder and inspiration towards the STRENGTH that abides within our souls.
S – SSH, Squats, Sungods, Sweet Angels, Swerkin (varying 4 or 13 reps each)
The Thang
T – The Dab – 10 burpees each minute for 5 minutes, followed by 1/4 mile run. Round 2, same thing but 4 minutes, 13 burpees per minute. Followed by another 1/4 mile run.
R – Rosalita, Rosalita Whips, Russian Dips, Rocky Balboa (4 to 13 reps each, 4 sets)
E – Empty Wheel Barrow (4 Parking Spaces)
N – Non-Alternating Shoulder Tap x 4 – Noodling for Catfish x 13 (4 seconds per arm)
G – End ( ideas include Goofballs, Gorilla Humpers, Greg Lougenis)
T – 1st of 4 letters left open intentionally for Divine inspiration
H – 2nd of 4 letters left open intentionally for Divine inspiration
E – 3rd of 4 letters left open intentionally for Divine inspiration
N – 4th of 4 letters left open intentionally for Divine inspiration
CoRama = 4 / NoRama
P&P – Thank God we have a choice to become better today than yesterday and we are surrounded by a group of High Impact Men who encourage us to go for it. Thank you Beaker for your inspiration to include scripture into our workouts.