It was a beautiful 26 degrees! The Pax was welcomed to the only FREE peer lead bootcamp work in the Lehigh Valley. Reminded of course that it’s peer lead by guys in the workout who are not professional. Modification suggested exercises is recommended for everyone’s safety. Today was a tribute to the 1990’s; which got some grunts from those who receive RESPECT after their name.
Simple workout routine. Pax select a 1990’s song to play while 90 seconds count down timer. That exercise is performed AMRAP for 90 seconds. Recover with a .20 to .30 mile run. Wait for the six by continuing that exercise or getting the next song ready.
Round 1 – Dips – Nirvana’s Teen Spirit
Round 2 – Burpees – I’ve got the power
Round 3 – Crab Jacks – Ice Ice Baby
Round 4 – Mountain Climbers – I get knocked down, but I get up again
Round 5 – Pull-up – Uptown Girl
Round 6 – Dead Hang with Knee Ups – Ironic by Atlantis Morssette
Mosey to flag for Mary – American Hammers and Crunch Frog
Prayers for Krang as he moves his family up North and for all the Dads and Kids participating is this month’s All Pro Dads breakfast. Prayers for Dynamite and all Pax who are recovering from injuries, illness, and fartsacking.