Two PAX (including YHC) posted for this third challenge. Not sure if the others were still recovering from last week, scared off, or had valid excuses (several supplied seemingly legitimate excuses).
Warm-a-rama: mosey to end of street for SSH, Abe Vigoda, Frankensteins, Butt Kickers, and maybe some other stuff that I can’t remember.
Return to the shovel flag for the Thang:
AMRAP in 30 minutes:
- 15 Burpee Block Jump overs
- 50 Hand Release Merkins
- Broad Jump 10 yards and back
- 14 Burpee BJOs
- 50 Goblet Squats with coupon
- Broad Jump 10 yards and back
- 13 Burpee BJOs
- 50 Leg Raises while holding coupon over chest
- Broad Jump 10 yards and back
- 12 Burpee BJOs
- Repeat sequence starting with Hand Release Merkins decreasing Burpees by 1 each round
We were able to complete 2 full rounds (down to 10 Burpee BJOs) within the 30 minutes for a total of ~ 375 reps (we lost count during some of the sets).
We had ~ 20 minutes to kill so we ran a lap around the park (~ 1/2 mile), then did some ab exercises, and dips before calling it a day.
COT: prayers for men in our group and us to be better husbands, fathers, leaders.