Warm Up
- 800m (½ mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only.
- 10 LBAC, 10 Huggy Bears, 10 Abe Vagodas, 10 Grass Pickers, 30 second Plank, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Ankle Rolls per side
Partner Beat Down
Note: If you don’t have a partner, use a box, bench, coupons, or whatever you have available to you to modify as needed. Also, it would be good to have a few light to medium coupons, rocks, etc. to use for some of the exercises.
Round 1- Repeat 2 Circuits
Partner Plank Merkins- partner up; one partner in elbow plank and other has feet on partner’s back
15-25 in cadence- then switch
Partner Plank Lateral Jumps- partner up; one partner in elbow plank and other is jumping laterally over partner’s legs or back
30 (15 per side)- then switch
Partner Plank Squats- partner up: one partner squats down low enough to touch partner’s back
Indian Run 0.25
Round 2- 2 Circuits
Partner Incline Merkins- partner up; one partner does regular merkin while other partner does merkin rep incline off of his back at the same time
8-15- then switch
Partner Sit-up Coupon Pass- partner up; partners interlock feet facing each other in sit-up position and both do sit-up but pass the coupon to each other on each rep
Partner Row- partner up; Partner 1: Assume a quarter-squat position. Reach down and grab your partner’s hands. Keep your core tight and your back flat throughout the exercise. Partner 2: Lie on the ground with your torso between your partner’s legs. Grasp your partner’s hands. Keeping your body in a straight line, perform Rows. https://www.stack.com/a/mix-up-your-workout-with-unique-partner-exercises
Indian Run 0.25
Round 3- 2 Circuits
Pull-Up/Burpee- partner up; Partner 1 does pull-ups while Partner 2 does Burpees
Walking Lunges in a Group Line with Coupon- Pax gets in a line side by side with man on the end holding the coupon; the whole group takes a lunge step forward and each time a step forward is made the coupon is passed to the left; once the coupon reaches the end of the line it is passed to the right until the distance is completed
30 yards out and back
Caterpillar- PAX forms 2 lines face-to-face, down in plank position. Allow 2-3 feet between PAX. Last man box-jumps over the planking PAX to the head of the line, Indian Run style. Continue cycling through for distance.
50 yards
Indian Run 0.25