Warm Up
- 800m (½ mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only.
- 10 LBAC,
- 10 Huggy Bears,
- 10 Abe Vagodas,
- 10 Grass Pickers,
- 30 second Plank,
- 10 Merkins,
- 10 Peter Parkers,
- 10 Monkey Humpers,
- 10 Ankle Rolls per side
Muscular Leg & Grip Endurance
2 Rounds
High Knees x 30 seconds
Single leg hops x 30 sec each side
Bear Crawl / Forward Back x 30 seconds
Slalom Jumps x 30 seconds
Side Plank x 30 each side
– During rest dead hang from a bar for 20 seconds
– Use roughly 10% of your body weight as load for coupon
Box Step ups 6 x 10 each leg w/coupon
– 1 minute rest total w/ 20 second dead hang
Forward Lunges 6 x 10 each leg w/coupon
– 1 minute rest total w/ 20 second dead hang
Jumping Lunges 6 x 20 (L/R = 2)
– 1 minute rest total w/ 20 second dead hang
Squat Jumps 6 x 20
– 1 minute rest total w/ 20 second dead hang