Iron Clad – 7 with Modification


It was a dry, clear and sunny start to the beatdown with a temperature of 24 degrees.

Warm-a-Rama: Q’d by Quadzilla

    Jog around the parking lot x1 lap
    High knees (shovel flag to 1/2 Shimerville Rd parking lot) and back
    Karaoke (shovel flag to 1/2 Shimerville Rd parking lot) and back
    Hurdle steps (shovel flag to 1/2 of the Shimerville Rd parking lot) and back
    Ear to ear neck rolls x10/side
    Trunk rotations x10/side
    Abe Pagoda’s x10 in cadence
    Grass Pickers x15 in cadence
    Moroccan Nightclubs x15 in cadence

Mosey to football field.

Thang: Q’d by Dynamite

Iron Clad Week 7: The Man Maker Ladder. 1 to 10 to 1 of: Man Maker with Coupons, Big Boy Sit-Ups with Coupon, Pull-Ups, (x) yard run. This was an OYO beatdown. The PAX didn’t have coupons so Man Makers were modified into Burpee Tuck Jumps and Big Boy’s were performed w/o coupons. All exercises except Big Boy’s increased by one rep each round. Big Boy’s increased by 3 each round. All PAX started running 50 yards in round 1 and the yards increased by 50 each round. Each round was structured as follows:

Round 1:

    Man Maker (Burpee Tuck Jump) x1
    Big Boy Sit-Ups x3
    Pull-Up x1
    50 yard Run

Round 2: 

    Man Maker (Burpee Tuck Jump) x2
    Big Boy Sit-Ups x6
    Pull-Up x2
    100 yard Run

x3 to 10. Time was a constraint for the PAX this morning and we were only able to complete half of the IC. All PAX that completed round 10, planked until the six was called. All PAX moseyed back to the shovel flag to complete 10 penalty circle burps. No Mary this time because the shared leadership team wanted a focused effort on CoT.

CoT: Q’d by Mani

Praises for All Pro Dad’s and prayers for an upcoming event on 2/28. Prayers for Open House and family in their respective travels and ministries he and his “M” must serve. Prayed for God to allow us all to help Open House’s children in anyway we can during his absence. Praises and prayers for Mr. Brady’s upcoming and/or new God given assignment. Praises to God for restoration of Dynamite’s health to Q the beatdown on Saturday and for crossing paths with another Christian where both can encourage and challenge one another in faith and in life. Praise to God for Eagle sending information on starting a GoRuck here in Allentown. Praise to Dr. Seuss’s wife for her ministry work in India on human trafficking. Prayer to a refugee family with four kids that reached out to Uptown Girl via email, further confirming God’s ever active hand in the All Pro Dad’s ministry.


2nd F Event: Wing Night Wednesday at the Buckeye Tavern in Macungie on Wednesday, Feb 26, 2020 from 1700 to 1900.

2nd/3rd F Event: All Pro Dad’s Day on Friday, Feb 28, 2020 at Willow Lane Elementary School in Macungie, PA. See Uptown Girl or Mani for time details. Set-up for the event will occur on Thursday, Feb 27, 2020 at 2100 at Willow Lane Elementary School. Contact Uptown Girl or Mani if interested in helping serve this ministry.

Q-Source followed at McDonalds in Emmaus on the topic of DRP, led by Dynamite.

F3 Lehigh Valley