It was lightening start to the beatdown at 0631 with a light drizzle, which later stopped (see my BB on this mornings ruck), with a temperature of 44 degrees.
Three PAX posted for the beatdown this morning, in person. Disclaimer was stated and all agreed to the terms with an AYE!
Warm-a-Rama: All exercises were performed to a count of 15 reps in cadence.
Jog 5 laps around the Shimerville Rd parking lot
Plank Jacks
Side Lunges
Mountain Climbers
Imperial Walkers
Monkey Humpers
Peter Parkers
Abe Pagodas
Today’s beatdown was selected from two different routines on the Exicon and was fairly Burpee heavy (had to make sure to keep that fact disclosed to ensure men actually showed up lol!) In preparation for the first routine, all posted PAX jogged to the “track” on the east side of the Shimerville Rd parking lot.
Routine 1: The Dab
The Dab is a Burpee and run routine. PAX perform 10 Burpees/minute for five minutes. I understood this as an EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) exercise, where PAX would perform 10 Burpees in one minute and rest or perform a recovery exercise for the remainder of the time. Once the new minute started, it was back to 10 more Burpees in that minute…rinse and repeat up to five minutes. The second part is at the conclusion of the five minute Burpee blitz, all PAX run 1/4 of a mile and repeat. The routine calls for four total rounds. For the sake of time, the routine was cut in half to two rounds. In total, 100 Burpees and/or squats, as the alternative exercise, was performed by PAX. At the conclusion of the second round, the PAX jogged long way from the playground corner to the “nicer” baseball field for the second routine.
Routine 2: The Cycle
The Cycle is a bear crawl starting at home plate to each base and back with (x) Burpees at each base before the bear crawl back to home plate. The Burpee count was 3 Burpees at first base, 6 Burpees at second base, and 9 Burpees at third base. That’s not the end of the cycle. A cycle is complete when all bases are rounded. The final part of the cycle was to bear crawl from home plate -> first base -> second base -> third base -> home plate. As an alternative, walking lunges could be substituted.
I had three other routines planned, but time constraints spared the posted PAX. However, these routines will manifest themselves next week 😉
At the conclusion of routine 2, the PAX jogged at Who Dat’s pace to ensure the group stayed together and all brought up the six together back to the shovel flag for Mary. I shared with Who Dat Proverbs 27:17 and encouraged him with two truth nuggets. First, the beatdowns don’t get easier, he gets better. Second, We don’t leave a brother behind, but we don’t leave him where we found him.
Flutter Kicks x15 in cadence
Big Boy Sit-Up’s x15
Lower Ab Series. PAX started on six with both feet at 6″ elevation from the ground and had to maintain when transitioning from one exercise to another. Exercises were: Leg Raises x10 in cadence immediately followed by Leg Spreaders x10 in cadence immediately followed by flutter kicks x10 in cadence.
Count-a-Rama: 3
Name-a-Rama: Who Dat, Uptown Girl, Dynamite
Fleetwood Manniversary is on Good Friday, April 10, 2020 starting at 0530. The event will be catered with warm breakfast sandwiches. It’ll be a delight to celebrate this milestone.
I, Dynamite, stated that D-Fib, of the new AO in Danville, should be reached to see if they are still going live in April and how we can help them launch this site, even modified.
Praise to God for providing a means to continue ministering All Pro Dad’s to the participating families of Willow Lane Elementary.
Prayers for a couple Uptown mentioned during the Triangle of Trust (T0T) who just received news a newly diagnosed stage three cancer.
Prayers for the people of this world and Gracedale who need God for protection, wisdom, love, peace and hope.
Prayers for all of the PAX and families to remain protected by God’s open arms and to serve in ways that put themselves last.
Q-Source followed, virtually, from multiple sites on the topic of “The Shorties” lead by Dr. Seuss.
I want to give thanks to Uptown Girl and Who Dat for posting today and for allowing me to deliver an effective beatdown to help all of us continue accelerating in the first F. It’s always an honor and pleasure. If there is anyway I can serve ya’ll beyond the first F, I’ll make myself available to serve you. Love ya’ll my brothers!
Proverbs 27:17: “Just as iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”