Hill WO from Hell

Conditions: It was a partly sunny start to the day with mildly pink clouds, dry but humid, and a temperature of 71 degrees.

Five PAX kicked the fart sack cover off and posted to the workout to strengthen their bodies and sharpen their bonds.

Four PAX ran and one PAX rucked with a 30# ruck sack. Disclaimer was quickly stated and all agreed to the principles of F3 with and Aye!

Warm-a-Rama: All exercises were performed for a total of 15 reps IC.
1. SSH

2. Side Lunges

3. Abe Pagoda’s

4. Squat to Imperial Walker

5. Goof Balls


Dr. Seuss trekked out and rucked for time, meeting the rest of the PAX back at the shovel flag at 0615.

Runners: Pyramid Hill WO with an exercise called out and performed after each circuit for a total of 10 reps IC. The circuits are outlined below.

2/3 mile run around WL grounds to bottom of hill. Posted in place while one PAX needed to shed some excess liquid weight.

1. Up/down hill x1/Merkins at bottom of hill

2. Up/down hill x2/Merkins at bottom of hill

3. Up/down hill x3/Carolina Dry Docks at bottom of hill

4. Up/down hill x4/Maktar N’ Diayes

YHC modified up for about half of the uphill climb by running in reverse to target the quads. Brutal!

Jogged .25 mile around parking lot and congregated at shovel flag for Mary.

Mary: Yoga series that included deep breathing with arms overhead, swan dives, upward dog, downward dog, crescent pose, warrior one, hand on inside of front foot with reach to the sky with each arm for three deep breaths.

Count-a-Rama: 5

Name-a-Rama: See below


1. GoRuck Light in Philly August 9. Registration fee increases on 7/25. Two PAX are HC already.
2. Dr. Seuss is Q at the Ranch on 7/25.
3. YHC will NOT be Q at the Bee Hive on 7/25.


1. Praise for humility for YHC’s sister and landlord.

2. Prayer for injured PAX and YHC’s sister

3. Prayer the Holy Spirit guides all in the way it sees right today.

F3 Lehigh Valley