Hershey Kiss IPX Week 1

A self-imposed EH to get up early while vacationing at the Hershey Hotel because there is an AO 8 minutes from the hotel.  Thanks to Flintstone who sent me the address and pin point on the map.  The evening before I sent him a text and said, “What’s the name of the park?”  Interestingly enough no response.  So I am driving along thinking to myself I am probably going to meet a guy in the middle of the field.  So i am driving up turn a corner and see a guy with a black F3 t-shirt and shovel flag standing in the middle of a field.  No kidding!

Disclaimer was given and accepted on the warmarama jog to Hershey Kisses drive way.  He was well prepared with 1/2 thick marry mats.

The Thang

Set your timer (Smart WOD app) for one minute and repeat.  At the top of each minute do 3 burpees.  If that isn’t motivation to finish fast, you must love burpees.  After your three burpees begin the exercises.  At each minute, stop what your doing, do your 3 burpees, then pick back up with wherever you left off.  It’s harder than it sounds, especially in the gloom, when you’re trying to track more than 100 reps.  Here’s the exercise breakdown, completed in the order below:

50 double hand release release merkins

100 leg raises

150 jungle boy squats

200 big boi situps

250 forward lunges (1 = 1)

Mary – NA

CoT  prayers for growth of the Hershey AO, men staying united, kids returning to school.

Hershey Kiss = 37:30

Uptown Girl = 37:30

F3 Lehigh Valley