In honor of the anniversary of Patrick Henry’s famous line, the PAX considered the chains and weights that slow us, or stop us, from running the race that God has in store for us. The enemy of
Patrick Henry’s freedom at that moment in time was ole King George, The British Empire, and other stuff I’m sure. The enemies to us men today come in many forms and we are under constant assault. At risk daily is our: sexual integrity, financial stewardship, Christian witness, integrity in the workplace, leadership in our family..just to name a few. The enemy wants nothing more than to weigh us down with burdens, Christ came to set us free. We must unburden ourselves and realize the potential God has planned for us. So the theme for this cold March morning was freedom. No video because my phone froze, yes literally froze. Six pax posted, this is how things ensued….
Disclosure issued…Mosey to warmup
Warmuparama: Grass Pickers 15 IC, Monkey Humpers 15 IC, Seal Jacks 15 IC, Smurf Jacks 15 IC, Sun Gods 15 IC, and back by popular demand: Fire Drill…..
mosey down path to find buckets (not for carrying this time)
3 orange buckets, 30 yards apart, in triangle formation to make The Bearmuda Triangle
-PAX together start with 1 Burpee at first bucket, bear crawl to second bucket for 2 burpees, bear crawl to third bucket for 3 burpees. Rinse and Repeat x3.
Mosey to lower soccer field for Elevens. (elevens are 2 exercises performed together, the combined reps equalling 11. Start of with 10 reps of first exercise and 1 rep of second exercise. Continue by subtracting one rep from first exercise and adding it to second, combined reps always equalling 11 and finishing when you’ve flipped the count.
“Elevens” Round 1: Merkins/ Bobby Hurleys mosey back to lighted pavilion
“Elevens” Round 2: Derkins/ Dips
Announcements: Saturday Hike at Bear Creek, also normal bootcamp at Beehive with Sensei and Boo Boo Qs
Prayer Requests: Uptown Girl and M Marriage enrichment class, Bogey’s son permanent return home