FLYERS and Docs
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Got Your K.E.G.?
2nd F KEG (Krucial Event Guidelines) created to assist men to produce successful events:
- You must be the EVENT Q
- You need WING MEN to help you
- Plan & Broadcast ONE MONTH OUT
- You need to make PERSONAL INVITES
- You are the EVENT Q. You need to own it. The 2nd F and wingmen will help but you are responsible for…
- Set up, Production, Clean up (if you can’t be there, you better get a commitment so someone else is
- Plan ahead, prepare ahead, discuss with the SLT, get on the phone, email, whatever is necessary. If you’re not ready one week ahead of time, you’re not ready
- Have at least one or 2 WING MEN that are as excited as you are…
- These are guys that will want to help you produce the event – burdens were meant to be shared and inevitably we all come away wiser than when we started (see Matthew 11: 28-30)
- These are guys that are going to announce and talk up the event everywhere they go, the same way you will be. The excitement should be contagious
- If for whatever reason you cannot Q the event the day of, one or more of these guys should be able to
- You are training your Wing Men to be successful leaders of future 2nd F events, more fellowship, more growth, more everything
- Publicize it at least ONE MONTH ahead of time
- Plan it out on paper, ask for help
- Consult with the SLT to schedule your event strategically
- Create an Event on the PAX F2 Chat Group
- Consider using the F3 Signup Genius if there’s a lot of items
- F2 calendar listing
- There is no substitute for personally inviting a guy. Time to get beyond the reliance on text/phone/groupme/email
- Your wing men should do the same