Dr. Seuss was back at the ‘ol stomping grounds to Q a beatdown.
Warm up: with Alan Parsons Project “Sirius” music in background, disclaimer verbally accepted. OYO trunk rolls and leg swings. IC – overhead claps, grass pickers, Abe Vigodas, side lunge, reverse lunge, Moroccan night clubs, SSH, Merkins, Mayweathers, Peter Parkers, and mountain climbers.
Pull up station: 3 sets of 3-5 pull-ups one at a time while other PAX held low plank.
Indian run halfway around church, mosey the rest of the way.
Weights: 15-20 reps with two 15lb. dumbbells: chest flys, back flys, curls, skull crushers, thrusters, dumbbell swings, back rows from plank position, and tricep press.
Pull-up station for tucks: 3 sets of 5 tucks one at a time while the rest of the PAX held low back plank.
Prayer and stretching.