As it was the First Friday of the New Year, the morning’s theme was turning over, as in turning over a new leaf, turning the corner to a new year, re-setting. Disclaimer agreed.
Warm Ups/Stretching
Stretch – Casey Kasums/Neck/Trunk (OYO)
A – Abe Vigodas
M – Merkins
M – Mountain Climbers
P – Peter Parkers
L – Lunges
Mosey Over
Jog/Side shuffle/Back/Side shuffle/Jog x 2 laps around the church
Crawl Over
Bear Crawl/Side Crawl/Crab crawl/Otherside Crawl
Abs Over Easy
Planks Left/Center/Right for 20
Flutter Kicks
Freddie Mercury
Wind Shield Wipers
Block Party
Military Presses
Walking Lunges to 5 Spaces
Mary Dealer’s Choice
SSN, Merkins, Abe Vigodas, American Hammers