First Friday

First Friday Conditions: 34 degrees, clear, little wind. A beautiful first Friday in December. Cooter came out this morning, first time to this AO. Just us 2, made the most of it. Warm Up Casey Kasums, Neck stretches, Trunk Roll, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers Mosey Around the church building a couple times, past the cookie tent and portable lights stations set up for the tree lighting tonight. 30/30/30 Run up the entrance ramp Block Party (OYO) Curls, Pull-backs, Military Presses, Painwalk (blocks overhead, lunge walk 4 parking spaces and back), Triceps Wall Work Bttw, People’s Chair Mary (dealer’s choice) Freddy Mercuries American Hammers Leg Lifts, LBCs COR, NOR Closing prayer

F3 Lehigh Valley