Cloudy, high humidity, disclaimer verbally accepted.
Dynamite led the warm up: Three laps around the parking lot. Exercises IC: mountain climbers, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Peter Parkers, SSH, goof balls, and plank jacks.
Scenic route mosey to playground.
Dr. Seuss led The Thang: Partner Exercises: AMRAP in 45 seconds, 15 seconds to flapjack, repeat for two sets each. Partner A exercises with weights: thrusters, man makers, curls, back fly, chest fly, triceps press, swings, skull crushers. Partner B with jump rope and: low plank, low side plank, back plank, Al Gore, warrior, glute bridge, and WGS.
Mary: IC: flutter kicks, dips, and American hammers with weight.
COT: COR, NOR, naming of FNGs, and team picture.