Fall Fitness Test

A brisk 45 degrees fall morning.  7 men gathered to look in the fitness mirror.  Emphasis on quality over quantity in the you versus you race.

Disclaimer – given and accepted.

Warmarama – mosey .5 mile loop stopping every so often for a demonstration of the 5 different fitness movements we will be completing during the 2 minute assessment.

The Thang

    Push-ups = AMRAP for 2 minutes, Partner only counts reps that chest hits partners fist.
    Squats = AMRAP for 2 minutes, Partner only counts reps that butt hits the bench.
    Burpees = AMRAP for 2 minutes, Partner only counts reps that jump off the ground with overhead clap.
    Sit-ups = AMRAP for 2 minutes, Partner sits on feet, only counts shoulders pass the hips and back to ground.
    Pull-ups = AMRAP for 2 minutes, Partner only counts full extension and chin hits the bar.

1 mile run as fast as possible.

CoT – prayers for Jillian cancer treatments, POTUS and first family COVID recovery, and injured PAX Sensei and Flame.

Announcements – Z00 Ruck Spectacular coming Friday, Nov. 13th mark your calendars.



F3 Lehigh Valley