Conditions: Balmy 39 F!! With clear skies, perfect weather in PA! (way better than Georgia….)
WU: Disclaimer given, then proceeded with:
-Grass Grabbers, IC x10
-Peter Parkers, IC x15
-Parker Peters, IC x15
-SFx Inspired MacDeuce! Respect provided to @F3 Side Effects who brought F3 to the Valley Forge area two years ago.
-PAX mosied 400 m to the new AO at the track (IPC inspired recently)
-PAX was informed that we would do 400m after each round of sets of 12 IC exercises, with sprints on the short ends of the lap (with much mumble chatter)
-Round 1: Burpees, Merkins, Simpsons (Q controlled)
-Round 2: Jump Squats, Leg Lifts, Diamond Merkins
-Round 3: Audible called – PAX did “Sally’s Cousin” (with much groaning until I told them that this was my 10 yr old daughter’s favorite exercise….) Somehow Munchkin still liked to beat the PAX, but not sure he did his full allotment of planking for the 6….
-Round 4: Lunges, Floyd Merriweathers, 100’s
-Round 5: Dying Cochroaches, Bobby Hurley’s, Squats
-Round 6: Plank Jacks, Crunchy Frogs, Box Cutters
-All in all, the PAX did an awesome 2.0 miles with some Core intertwined!
-Welcome “Natty Light” – fellow home brewer (RESPECT!!!)
-Prayers for Spike’s family during a difficult time with a death on his wife’s side, Mr Feeney’s recent surgery and loss of voice, as well as Hops helping out his friend Joe’s widow tomorrow with a move
-Q reviewed Proverbs 18:1 and reflected that the entire WO was IC…we are brothers that are not meant to go through life alone – need each other and the brotherhood and to be “in step” with each other providing accountability.
-Q was humbled to be back leading the PAX, as it has been over a year leading a WO. Thank you brothers!