My M and I visited our 2.1 and his M in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend. I took advantage of the opportunity to visit a new F3 region.
I showed up ~ 20 minutes early at Antrim Park and met Savannah who does a warm-up walk around the park prior to the workout. I found out that F3 started in Columbus 2 years ago. They typically have 4-5 PAX at the Antrim Park workout but this morning nine posted including me and an FNG. I don’t recall all of their names but the workout was a VQ for one of them. He proceeded to lead a thorough beat down.
Mosey to the lower parking lot for warm-a-rama: Sun Gods, Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, SSH, Stretching and some other stufff I can’t remember.
Mosey to the tennis courts (6 courts so the length was ~ 250 feet).
The Thang:
20 Lunges, 15 Merkins, 10 WWI Situps, 5 Burpees; run the length of the courts and back; repeat 5 times or as many sets as possible until the last man finishes. Each F3 group has a back flipper (e.g., Uptown Girl, Mr. Clean, Treehugger) and this group was no exception. Diamond was automatically given extra work to do as a matter of course and he didn’t shirk. I tried to pace myself off of him but he did 7 sets to my 6.
Next we pulled out a cinder block each (conveniently stashed behind the port-a-potty).
20 Cinder Block Swings, 20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Overhead Presses with the cinder block; run the length of the courts and back; repeat 3 times or as many sets as possible until the last man finishes.
By this time the sweat was pouring off of all of us.
Next the workout was turned over to another guy. Field of Battle — we took turns coming up with an exercise to cross each tennis court and back (12 total). Modes of transportation included Walking Pushups, Lunge Walk, Flying Squirrels (my contribution), Crab Walks, Sideways Merkins, Bear Crawl, Sprints.
That took us to the end of the hour.
COT: Pinky prayed us out and prayed that we would be better men, better husbands, better fathers, better brothers, better sisters (!???!!!) WHAT? At this point, eyebrows were raised, snickers ensued, and there was a quick retraction and appeal to God to understand what was meant, not said. I hope He did, ’cause we didn’t.
I had a thoroughly enjoyable beatdown with reminders staying with my for two days — sore lats from the overhead presses.
It is great to see F3 men gathering faithfully across the country and it was a privilege and pleasure to join with this group of men.