Mid 50s, cloudy and damp
Ditto hunting turkey, Pocahontas running the Philly Broad Street race, Mr. Green up to his eye balls in the Spring rush at work, Taps being Mr. Mom, Teardrop has a migraine, Ringworm, not sure, probably hunting, Apollo MIA, Mr. Clean possibly recovering from last week’s Spartan Beast, Pilates moved back to Philly (is he in Philly F3 yet?), Clyde at the Beehive…not too may men from the Grill left standing — except Wichita and Beaker!
YHC thought he might be the only PAX at this morning’s workout and was very happy to see two cars pull in — Wichita and an FNG!
This past week has been rather chaotic and YHC failed to plan out an original workout so Friday afternoon, having five minutes, I quickly read Winklevoss’s BB from last week and it was a hit. Once again those Valley Forge guys came through with a workout for me.
The disclaimer was fully explained to our FNG and we took off.
Mosey to the end of the street for warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Moroccan Night Clubs, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Best Stretch Ever — at this point we were about to go into Mountain Climbers when a pack of overly friendly dogs came charging up the river trail to us. It is not a good idea to be at eye level with unknown dogs so we got to our feet, succumbed to the affectionate advances of the pooches, waited for the owner to reign them in, and then got back to the business at hand — Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks, Side Shuffle, Butt Kickers, and High Knees to the Playground Pavilion.
The Thang:
Tabata — 4 minutes per exercise: 20 seconds work followed by 10 seconds rest X 8 rounds
- Burpee/ 60 second recovery
- Interlude: Plank; Right Plank; Left Plank — 30 seconds each with leg raises
- Lunges/ 60 second recovery
- Interlude: Underdogs: 3 sets of 10 (IC) with isometric hold at top
- LBC/ 60 second recovery
- Interlude: Merkins: 3 sets of 10 (IC) with isometric hold at bottom
20 Dips (IC)
Sprint to the band stand
Mary: WWI (Wichita was getting back at YHC for the Dips and continued these for an inordinate amount of reps), American Hammers, Supermans
COT: Our FNG, being a farmer, was given the name “Pork Chop”. Welcome Pork Chop to the F3 brotherhood!
Prayers for our F3 brothers, their families, and men who need F3.
We all made our way to Four Twelve for coffeeteria and had the pleasure of joining General who was a full Starsky.
Now YHC is looking forward to next week where I anticipate fewer excused absences and expect to get a great turnout for the workout.