Ditto’s Birthday

A respectable trio posted to the Grill for a mid-winter workout.  Conditions were damp, chilly, but sunny.  Ditto showed up exactly at 7:00.  He wasn’t planning to come but just had to show up to share his birthday F3-style.  We’re glad he graced us with his presence.

Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Sun Gods, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Imperial Walkers, Best Stretch Ever, Mountain Climbers, Calf Stretch, Toy Soldiers

The Thang:

Stroll to basketball court (YHC is still recovering from a stress fracture and although I encouraged Ditto and Pocahontas to mosey on ahead, they opted to stroll along with me…where they being companionable or just taking advantage of a lighter workout?)

Four Corners Escalator – start at 1st corner of court with 10 Burpees, side shuffle to next corner and do 20 Carolina Dry Docks + 10 Burpees, next corner add 30 Squats + repeat of previous corner; last corner: 40 lunges + 3rd corner

Stroll to playground

Merkin Mania: 5 reps of each: Diamond, Merkin, Wide Arm, Crucible, Staggered Right, Staggered Left, Tempo, and Hand Release

    Commando Pullups (AMRAP)
    10 Ab Roll outs
    10 Hanging Leg Raises
    15 Dips (IC)
    20 Step ups
    Pullups (AMRAP) — Ditto exhorted us to us good form and allow our arms to fully extend before completing the next rep.

Stroll to bandstand

People’s Chair with Overhead Claps and Punches

Mary: Dealer’s Choice — American Hammers, Side Crunches, Heels to Heaven, Flutter Kicks, Plank, Parker Peter, Superman, LBC

COT: we gave thanks for a banner week with baby girls — Ditto welcomed his granddaughter into the world on Tuesday and Wichita celebrated his daughter’s birth on Thursday!

Happy Birthday, Ditto!

F3 Lehigh Valley