‘Crispy’ Morning

Conditions – 18 degrees, clear, calm, crisp. Moon was out shining through some thin high clouds. Warm Up – (OYO) Casey Kasums, Neck stretches, Trunk Roll, (IC) Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers, Lunges, Side Lunges, Crazy Bugs. Mosey – Around the building, finished a figure 8 around the south parking lot. Little Feet – Foot shuffle back and forth across & down center line. ‘Beckham Waltz’ jogging soccer drill, running straight down the line, quick stepping side-to-side across center line every third step (thus the waltz reference). Pull Up to the Bar – Taking turns 3 – 5 pull-ups while the rest of the pax holds a low plank/left plank/right plank, 3 sets. Block Party – (OYO) Curls, Pull-backs, Military Presses, Pass-the-Block (circle up, facing out, pass a single cinderblock man-to-man, both directions). Mary (dealer’s choice) – Leglifts, left plank/right plank with leg lifts x 12 each side. COR, NOR Praying for families, F3 health, prepare our hearts for Christmas.

F3 Lehigh Valley