Monday: 40 degrees, a bit damp
Disclaimer accepted by all
Warm-up: OYO – Casey Kasem, trunk rolls, neck rolls, butterflys. IC: SSH, grass pickers, side lunge, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, and Mayweathers. Calf stretch-OYO. Mosey to first station. During mosey, side shuffle, high knees, butt kickers.
Leg station: 30 squats, 20 lunges, 5 Bonnie Blairs and 30 calf raises. While exercising PAX shared favorite things about Christmas, lots to like. Mosey to ab station. During mosey, touching the ground.
Ab station: 30 half-supermans, 20 LBC’s, 30 Freddie Mercuries, 20 flutter kicks. During exercises PAX shared things about Christmas that they didn’t like. Several legitimate grips and complaints. Mosey to arms station.
Arms station all exercises completed with two 15 lbs weights. 15 curls, 15 shoulder presses, 10 Merkins, 10 back rows, and 15 skull crushers. Recovery exercises between sets included huggy bears, shruggy bears, Morrocan sun gods. Donkey kicks, people’s chairs and BTTW for extra credit. Moseys to stations and repeat. During moseys: backwards jog, skipping and karaoke.
Cool Down: leg swings, quad stretch, and world’s greatest stretch.
COT: COR, NOR, announcements and prayer requests.
5 for coffeteria and Panera.