Ssh 15
Abe Vigodas 15
Grass pickers 15
Monkey humpers 15
Little baby arm circles 10 forward and back
Big baby arm circles 10 forward and back
Huggie Bears 15
0.5 mile yog (like a jog but so slow we needed a soft j)
The Thang
Ring around the rosies (each pax skips around the park in succession while everyone else does the below sets)
Sets of 20 squat jacks and 10 WWI
Sets of 20 merkins and 10 pull-ups
Sets of 20 dips and 30 low squats
Pocket full of posies (freeze in poses as we march)
Sister Mary Margarets
Bear crawls
Ashes ashes We all fall down (finish and Mary)
Rolling 10 count with peoples chair, balls to the wall, Planks, Boris yeltsins (left facing side plank), Vladimir Putins (right facing side plank), low plank hold