Breakthrough F3 Workout – 12/06/2019 – The Beehive First, I want to thank all who attended and allowed me to serve them as much as all served me. Keep gritting through each and every workout! The workout began with the Principles of F3 which are: Free of charge, open to all men, held outdoors in all conditions, but not below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, rotationally led by participants without formal training or certification necessary, and ends with a circle of trust (CoT). I did make the disclaimer that I am a licensed Physical Therapist Assistant and that I was not being paid by F3 to conduct the workout. Today marks the 78th anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day and the workout was dedicated to Flame and Quadzilla, as well as, all current and past servicemen who served this country and fought so we could have a morning workout at the Beehive. This was my leadoff into why the workout was entitled “Breakthrough.” FDR, president of the U.S. on the day of the Pearl Harbor attacks, was placed in a few desperate situations with tough decisions he had to make that would forever shape history as we know it. I then went on to share that I listened to a sermon back in July by Pastor Robert Madu entitled “Get Over It” where he quoted himself and stated, “desperation is the doorway breakthrough walks through.” In times of adversity and struggle, the Flux, when we feel the most desperate, this is the closest we are to walking into the breakthrough. I stated that I designed a workout that may make some want to quit, but in the face of that adversity, I encouraged everyone to keep pushing to breakthrough old limits and into new possibilities. Warm-a-Rama was built into the workout for the first 10 minutes. Warm-a-Rama was a progressive increase in intensity for two rounds and 20 seconds per move. The exercises were: jog in place, side straddle hops, Heisman, butt kicks, high knees, and mountains. Following this was a three minute stretch period (10 second hold for each stretch) with the following stretches: feet apart hamstring stretch (middle, left, right.) Next was a hip flexor stretch or crescent pose for the challenge on left, followed by bringing both hands on inside of front foot and reaching up to the sky with each arm and holding for 10 seconds, followed by staggered stance hamstring stretch on left. This was repeated on the right side with the same hold count. The final stretch was a quad stretch. The Workout: Rest as little as possible while doing AMRAP for all exercises in all circuits for 42 seconds with a 21 second rest (if you needed it) jog in place (added challenge). Between each circuit all participants did suicides up to 10 yards on the football field. Mary was built into the workout with plank work. The circuit consisted of five rounds. Each round was progressively more difficult than the previous one. Round one exercises: 1. Squat Pulses, 2. Merkins, 3. Rotating Plank, 4 and 5. Single-Leg Bridges on Left/Right, 6. Standing Hollow Body Hops. Round two exercises: 1. Squat Hold for 21 seconds/Squats for 21 seconds, 2. Alternating Single-Leg Merkins, 3. Alternating Plank with Hip Drop, 4 and 5. 2″ Lift Lunges on Left/Right (start in negative lunge position, push back knee off of the ground for 2″ and hold for 3 seconds) 6. Standing Mountain Climbers/Cherry Pickers. Round three exercises: 1. Squat Hold for 21 seconds/Drop Squat for 21 seconds, (feet out when squatting, feet together when standing back up) 2. Alternating Single-Arm Merkins, 3. Alternating Plank with Reach Through, 4 and 5. Seesaw Lunges on Left/Right, 6. Single-Leg Hops Left/Right with opposite leg bent to 90 degrees (switching to other leg at 21 second mark.) Round four exercises: 1. Squat Hold for 21 seconds/Squat jumps for 21 seconds, 2. Merkin Tap Complex (on Q’s signal and direction tap until commanded to do a Merkin,) 3. Alternating Plank with Hip Abduction, 4 and 5. Courtesy Lunge to Side Lunge Left/Right, 6. Sprint to Lunge (sprint and on Q’s call, lunge on each side and back up into a sprint.) Round five exercises: 1. 2 Squats/1 Squat Jump, 2. Bear-Crawl Merkins (start in bear-crawl position and extend forward into Merkin) (On Q’s command Merkin-hold was incorporated at random,) 3. Alternating Plank with Inner Knee to Chest, 4 and 5. Liftoff Lunges Left/Right (start in lunge position and lift front foot off of the ground,) 6. Burpees with or without Merkins. This workout from start to finish took up the entire hour. We did go a little over-time 🙂 All jogged back to the flag and the workout concluded with announcements with a reminder of the F3 party next Friday, December 13, 2019 at Brookside Country Club from 1900 to 2100. If you haven’t signed up to sponsor a child from Dodd Elementary, I encourage you to do so. There will also be a beer and book exchange, if interested in participating. Count-a-Rama: 14 in total. Name-a-Rama: See above CoT: Prayers/Praises: Praise to God for good news for Quadzilla’s son medical appointment and for blessing all with his breath of life to live each day deliberately and continue striving to be better versions of ourselves. Dynamite closed prayer and those who chose to, met at McDonald in Emmaus for Q-Source led by Mani on the topic of Trust.