It is so nice to start the workout in the early morning sunlight, 42 degrees, and no wind. Makes for a beautiful morning of misery. YHC and WhoDat whipped up some activities to get the blood pumping.
Warmarama – Abe Vagoda, Grass Pickers, Imperial Walkers, SSH, Merkins, Lunges, Plank Jacks, Side Lunges, Pelvis Pavers, Back lunges, Mountain Climbers, Hello Dolly’s
The Thang(s)
Bataan Death March – Indian Run with last guy doing 10 squats before he sprints to front of line.
Ascending Curb Crawls – find a quite street. Toes on Curb 1 Merkin, bear crawl across street, Toes on Curb 2 Merkins, repeat until 13 merkins.
Big Bang – cluster ball at 50 yard line of football field. Q yells Boom everyone scatters 10 yards, 10 burpees, sprint back, BOOM – everyone scatters 20 yards for 20 Merkins, sprint back, BOOM everyone scatters 30 yards for 30 squats, sprint back. BOOM everyone runs 40 yards for 40 plank jacks, sprint back to ball, BOOM everyone runs 50 yards for 50 flutter kicks, sprint back to ball.
Coach – groups of 3 meet up under Pavilion. P1 – holds pull-up with chin over bar, P2 – is Coach exhorting is Partner to stay strong, P3 is running around the outside of Pavilion. P1 drops when P2 has completed sprint around pavilion. Rotate until everyone has held chin over bar.
Mary – Freddie Mercury, Crab Cakes, American Hammer
CoT – prayers for all those impacted by COVID-19, those we know who have died, those out of work, and those working in the trenches. Prayers for the continued good health and safety of all PAX, family members, and neighbors.