5 brave PAX entered the cool, wet gloom not knowing what to expect (3 especially brave PAX rucked for an hour in advance). YHC made the conscious decision to keep them dry and protected under the Reeves Park bandstand.
Disclaimer while moseying (thanks Spike for keeping YHC straight)
Sprinklers (IC) x 30
Abe Vigodas (IC) x 20
Mountain Climbers (IC) x 40
Imperial Walkers (IC) x 20
The Thang
Pair up for sets of 100 reps with coupons (cinder blocks) while partner AMRAPs a core exercise
100 Man makers and 100 skull crushers while partner does 100’s
100 Goblet squats and 100 curls while partner holds Boat
100 Kettlebell swings and 100 push presses while partner holds Eagle (as in spread eagle or the out position of crunchy frog)
100 Side lunges and 100 bentover rows while partner holds Homer
Mosey to the Flag
Namarama – Welcome FNG Chowdah