On a day when hordes of people are descending upon retail outlets all over Pennsylvania to blow cash on big screens, toaster ovens and shop vacs, 9 high impact men met on a frigid (24 degrees) morning to push each other to be better, and spend some of those much earned calories from yesterday’s feast. This was a convergence with Lehigh Valley PAX, and much thanks to Neon, Beaker and Flame for making the trip out to the frozen Tundra of Fleetwood Park.
Flame led us off with the Disclosure, then a mosey down around the fitness trip finishing at the volleyball court for..
Warmarama: arm circles, moroccan night clubs, MH’s, merkins, mountain climbers…Flame passes the baton to YHC for..
Thang 1: Black Friday Ball Blitz: 2 teams, 7 stations (stores) with a ball in each store representing our Black Friday deals, on each ball is an exercise and rep count….
1 runner from each team runs to a “store” and retrieves a ball for the group, everyone on team performs the exercise…switch runner and continue until all balls retrieved team members hold plank while runner gets ball…
winning team does 10 burpees, losing team 20 burpees…
exercises: 25 merkins, 2 laps around fitness track, 10 pullups, 10 lunges (each leg), 20 jump squats, bear crawl to second cone and crawl bear back, 10 burpees…
Treehugger takes over as Q…
Thang 2: Turkey Jousting
PAX form a circle, 2 “turkeys” in center in squat position trying to force other turkey down, winner stays for another battels….
PAX on outside circle performing copperhead squats
Bogey takes over for…
Thang 3: People’s Chair and BTTW
People’s Chair: hold position and peform air claps while PAX take turns counting to 5, back around other direction still counting off by five but peforming punches..
BTTW competition: Count ascending numbers as PAX come down until one final guy “standing”
Mosey back to shovel flag for ABS….around the horn as PAX pick the exercise