Leave You Better Than We Found You

Sometimes you forget your responsibilities.  Life happens!  It’s happen to all of us.  You show up unprepared.  It is the riskiest investment you can make with your time.  Today, I was prepared to bring an incredible beat down on the PAX.  We all have an opportunity to give our best and be our best everyday.  In fact, it is your responsibility.  Whether you live up to the standard or not is up to you.  Regardless there are people counting on you.

Disclosure This workout is Always Free, Always Men, Always Outdoors, Always unpaid volunteers, Always rotation-ally led, and we Always end with a circle of trust.  We are Non Professional’s so you Can’t Sew Us, We don’t own anything,  everything we say is just a suggestion. Unlike other workouts we wait for our 6; which is the last guy.  The objective is that you get the best workout possible for you.  Give your near maximum effort.  Therefore modify, modify, modify!  If you hear a term you don’t understand, look to the guy to your left or right and ask him to explain.

Warmarama – SSH, Sungods, Goofballs, Hillbillies, Air Squared, Monkey Humpers, Abe Vogada’s, Mountain Climbers, Merkins, Dolly’s, Flutters, WWII.

Indian run between locations.

The Thang

Part 1- Baseball Field – Charles Bronson

Start at home plate:

Inning #1 – Perform 50 SSH’s, sprint to 1st base, then army crawl to 2nd base. Sprint to 3rd Base, Bear Crawl Home.

Inning # 2 – Perform 50 Merkins, sprint to 1st base, then army crawl to 2nd base. Sprint to 3rd Base, Bear Crawl Home.

Inning #3 – Perform 50  Burpees, sprint to 1st base, then army crawl to 2nd base. Sprint to 3rd Base, Bear Crawl Home.

Part 2 – Basketball Court

  1. Shuffle left around short side of court, Karaoke long side, shufle right short side, Karaoke long
  2. 10 Carolina Dry Docks each corner + Lunge Long Side + Bear Crawl Short Side
  3. 20 Mountain Climbers each corner  + flying squirrel long side + Crab Cake Short side


Before leaving the basketball court.  Two opportunities arose to build our character and improve the world around us.  Nox had to exit early, we stopped the workout right there and prayed for his day ahead.  Next I observed that the surrounding basketball court at turned over trash cans and litter everywhere.  Eight guys took 60 seconds and picked up trash and left the park a better place; than when we found it. Mosey back to shovel flag, but some intermittent sprints and exercises along the way.

Mary – Protractor and flutter kicks.  Feet don’t hit the ground.

Announcements: Bogey on the Q at the Trojan on Thursday. Men’s Breakfast Saturday. Sign-up for Priority 1 Men’s Retreat. F3 is getting a cabin.

CoRama = 9     NoRama

COT  – Thanked God for a beautiful morning and the opportunity get stronger today through fitness, fellowship, and faith.

Moleskin Note:  It’s easy to look the other way when we see problems in the world.  You may even think what difference can I make.  F3 is about helping men answer the question with congruent actions.  Recognize each of us has the power to ignite Positive Habit Transfer with his brothers.

F3 Lehigh Valley