Disclaimer:All men 18 and over,free, outside,not professional, modify as needed, assume all risks, accept with Aye. Warmarama:part partner up,high steps,butt kickers,jog, skip while partner does various exercise.Then circle up.. Sungods,Abe Vigodas,side straddle hops,grass pickers. Thang: Mosey to parking lot…for Hindenburg blimps.Burpees,lunges, imperial walkers, merkins,plankjacks, squats.Run,side shuffles, skip,high steps between corners.By the time we did merkins,this was challenging with appropriate groans.It was my second q and had great support and encouragement,thx guys. Mosey back to base for Mary.Seinfeld told us what Mary stood for and Capone introduced us to bird dogs which was great core, stretch and balance. Cot of trust:Praises and prayers for Cougars friend Wayne who coaches his sons football team and Wayne’s son who is under the weather.Also for more men like Wayne to step up.My praises for our founders,leaders and all my F3 brothers and f3 itself which it awesome.Great morning from my perspective .