A cool, damp morning for a “game” of baseball as my Virgin Q:) We started with some of my favorite stretching exercises which I learned from my running class at Penn State back in the late 70’s and refined during my time in the Air Force in the 80’s: in other words, CLASSICS! Mosey down to a pavilion for some Merkins, Pull ups, etc., followed by an Indian run up to the paved parking lot by the soccer fields. I wanted to use the baseball diamond but conditions were bad and we didn’t want to tear it up. So, we “played” a game of baseball. We started each “inning” with an exercise followed by a sprint “around the bases”. That completed one inning. Back at home plate, we repeated the previous exercise and then did another before “touching them all” again. Each sprint was called a “Panic”. The first one was a “normal panic” (normal sprint), 2nd an “Indecisive panic” (intervals between bases), 3rd “Covid Panic” (sprint while waving your arms above your head and screaming), 4th “bunny panic” (hops or side straddles), 5th “Popeye Panic” (lunges), 6th “jet panic (sprint while holding your arms back – think airplanes), 7th “7th inning panic” (walk while stretching), 8th “home run panic” (easy jog while waving to your fans) and following the 9th set of exercises, a nice jog back to the start. We picked a few core exercises to complete the day and followed with the COT and QSource lead by Up Town Girl. Thanks for being patient with my first workout!