01/07/2023 - Grill - Uncle!

AO: Grill

When: 01/07/2023


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Beaker, Klinger, Myra, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Wilson,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Myra

The BackBlast:

Seven PAX gathered as the gloom was ending at the Grill.


  • Neck Rolls
  • Arm Circles
  • Abe Vigoda
  • Cobra
  • Calf Stretch
  • BSE
  • Climbers

The Thang: Uncle!

  • The “Uncle!” Workout:
    • Circuit prepared with stations that equal the number of PAX.
      • Uncle station: Merkins to failure.
      • Stretching station: dealer’s choice! Take a break and stretch after your uncle set
      • Seated curls: sit on edge of bandstand, full curls tapping wall you are seated on (switch to skull crushers when worn out)
      • Calf raises: two leg, full range of motion!
      • LBC’s: slow and complete.
      • Squats
      • Flutter kicks
      • Mosey: jog around the bandstand
    • Concept: one PAX starts at the Uncle station, the rest to a separate station
      • First PAX completes Merkins to failure, at which point they call “Uncle!”
      • Other PAX complete their station’s exercise until Uncle is called
      • After PAX calls uncle, everyone rotates. From uncle move to stretching station
      • First PAX sets the “uncle” high mark. When another PAX beats that record all other PAX drop to do 5 burpees (10?!?)
      • First PAX on uncle should be someone expected to maximize the high mark.
      • Mosey around the park at halfway point (2 rounds?)

Beaker set our goal (35 I believe). Myra was the first to beat it with 45, which ended up being short lived as Pocahontas followed that up with 47. Monster. We did two full rounds, then moseyed over to the playground for some Farmer Boys.

          • Farmer Boy Pullups: Hold at top for 5 seconds – 5 reps each. 3 sets.
          • Other PAX: 10 dips, 10 step-ups, next set of farmer boys



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