03/01/2022 - Grill - Tuesday Afternoon Failure

AO: Grill

When: 03/01/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Beaker, General, Myra, Oreo, Pocahontas, Pork Chop, Potsie, Star Burger,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Beaker

The BackBlast:

I know, I know, I know…99.9% of F3 workouts are at uncomfortably early hours, however, the Grill is running a trial (Beaker-fashion) once again to test the waters of a weekday afternoon workout.  And the first one was…a failure.  But not what you’re thinking!!!  Actually it was a huge success with the turnout.  I was originally thinking one or two would show up, then I had 4 HCs and on the actual day 8 PAX appeared!  It was a failure only in the style of the workout — reps to failure.

The vibe is very different at the Grill in the afternoon.  We typically have the park all to ourselves but this time we had to share the playground with little girls asking us what we were doing and the bandstand had a group of teens cheering (or jeering) us on.  But what was real interesting is that a 16 year-old young man started to hang around us and joined in.  He is not really of age to independently join F3 but we welcomed his company.

Warm-a-rama: Goofballs, Moroccan Nightclubs, Seal Jacks, Abe Vigoda, BSE, Dancing Chillycut

Mosey to the playground

The Thang — Navy Seal Failure Workout

  • Pull ups to Failure
  • Merkins to Failure
  • WWII Sit ups to Failure

Recovery run down Franklin Street over to the bandstand and back around to the playground

Repeat 3 more times

Once we had enough of failure we did  two rounds of dealer’s choice.  In turn, each PAX called out an exercise for the group to do while he ran ~ 40 yards out and back.

Some of the exercises included Carolina Dry Docks, Forward Lunges, Reverse Lunges, Side Lunges, Burpees (twice), Freddie Mercuries, Flutter Kicks, SSH, Plank, Diamond Merkin, Werkin, Squats, and some others I can’t recall.

COT: Announcement about the Grill’s upcoming 4-year Manniversary.  Saturday, April 2nd: Plan to have workout followed by breakfast provided in the park and then optional family hike to Pulpit Rock.

Continued prayers for Potsie’s father-in-law and family as they make decisions about long term care.

In typical Grill fashion 4 PAX went for some food following the workout; dinner instead of coffeeteria.

The weekday PM workout was welcomed by all and we’ll continue again next week.  Once we have a sense if it will stick we’ll make it official.  It is very gratifying seeing this group grow and coalesce.

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F3 Lehigh Valley