01/03/2024 - Willow Ruck/Run - Solo ruck

AO: Willow Ruck/Run

When: 01/03/2024


Number of Pax: 1

Pax Names: Deuce,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Deuce

The BackBlast:

Weather: 27 degrees, dark, dry, no wind

Warmorama: seal claps, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, abe vagodas, grass pickers, side straddle hops, ankle twirls, IC, 10 each.  Stretches on ground, hamstring hurtlers stretch, hip stretch, both each leg, 20 count.  Standing toe touch, 30 seconds to release hips.  One leg over another toe touch, 30 count, each leg.

thang:  2 mile ruck at a 31 minutes through various neighborhoods.

photo by flag, then went home.


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