07/05/2022 - Swamp - Alphabet Beatdown

AO: Swamp

When: 07/05/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Drop Box, Hot Shot, Knievel, Monopoly,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Monopoly

The BackBlast:

Core principles and disclaimer stated and agreed upon.


  • Jog in place
  • Butt Kickers
  • High knees
  • Wide and high knees
  • Arm circles. Forward and reverse. Small and Large.
  • Standing Elbow curls (cadence)
  • 10 Merkins (cadence)
  • 10 shoulder taps (cadence)
  • Mosey around circle


The Thang:

Start with a die numbered 1-50. The first pax picks an exercise with the letter “A”. He rolls the die and the PAX do the exercise he chooses and the number of reps will be whatever the die lands on (e.g. If the letter is “A” and the number “30” is rolled, then do 30 American Hammers or any exercise that starts with “A”). Then, the next letter will be “B” and so on. Take turns rolling the die and choosing an exercise. Then it’s just rinse and repeat.

The following exercises are what we did today.

  1. Arm Circles
  2. Burpee
  3. Carolina Dry Docks
  4. Dips
  5. Everest
  6. Freddy Mercury’s
  7. Gorilla humpers
  8. Heels to the Heavens
  9. Inch worms
  10. J-Los
  11. Butt-Kickers
  12. LBCs
  13. Merkins
  14. Newton’s Cradle
  15. Outlaws
  16. Plank Jack
  17. Quadraplexes

I kept a list on hand (shown below) so there would be an exercise ready if no one could think of one

  • A) American Hammer
  • B) Burpee
  • C) Crunchy Frog
  • D) Dips
  • E) Everest (Find a hill. Lunge one step. Squat. Lunge with the other lung. Squat. Keep repeating up the hill. Each lunge/squat combo is one rep)
  • F) Flutter Kicks
  • G) Gorilla Humpers (like monkey humpers with a wider stance)
  • H) Heels to the Heavens
  • I) Inch worms
  • J) Jump ups
  • K) Kneel to Squats (Start in low squat. Kneel with one leg. Kneel with the other. Back to low squat on one leg. Back to low squat with the other)
  • L) LBCs
  • M) Merkins
  • N) Newton’s Cradle (similar to a shoulder tap, but while in plank arms move perpendicular to body in cadence mimicking the famous Newton’s cradle)
  • O) Outlaws (like alphabet soup core workout, but just the letter “O”)
  • P) Pull up/ People’s chair/ Plank Jack
  • Q) Quadraplexes (on hands and knees. Lift left arm and right leg off of the ground. Put them back down. Lift right arm and left leg off the ground. Put them back down.
  • R) Rocky Balboas
  • S) SSHs
  • T) Tuck Jump
  • U) Underdog
  • V) V-ups
  • W) World War I or II
  • X) X-crunch
  • Y) Y-squat (squats but with arms raised like a Y)
  • Z) Zebra Butt-kicks (in high plank. Butt-kickers like you would do if you were standing)

Tips/Advice for the future:

  • Make the exercises appropriately difficult.
    • Example 1) If the die says “50” and you’re on “D” and you choose dips, you should go with straight count and not cadence. 50 in cadence would be too hard
    • Example 2) If the die says “5” and you are on “M” and you choose merkins, then do a slow count down and a slow count up for each rep. Cadence or straight count would be too easy

Round of Mary

Ending in COT

Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama

Announcements, Prayers

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