4 HIM for a 3.17 mile Pre Ruck around Phoenixville
Conditions: Clear, cool, starry
Warm Up:
-SSH’s, IC x25
-Grass Grabbers, IC x10
-Peter Parkers, IC x15
-Abe Vagoda’s, IC x10
-“Dial Up” special hamstring stretches
-Mosey ~1 mile to the Gay Street Bridge (lots of negative mumble chatter from Pebbles….)
-PAX did the following at each lightpost up the Bridge:
-5 Burpees
-10 Lunges (Pebbles cheated and got way ahead of the PAX…)
-15 IW’s
-20 Merkins
-25 Plank Jacks
-30 Squats
-PAX mosied back to Reeves Park for some more fun…
-PAX paired up and did the following while the partner mosied to the end of the park and back:
-25 Burpees
-50 Overhead Presses
-75 Merkins
-100 Big Boy Situps
-125 Squats
-Flutter Kicks, x25 IC
-Pot Stirrers (Hops creation), x15 IC
-James Bonds
-Welcome our friend Midriff from Downrange in NC
-Welcome FNG “Volunteer”
-Somehow everyone who came knew Flipper…even the new FNG and the guy from NC….
-Prayers for Einstein and his foot, Halter Top for wisdom with a job search, and also Volunteer for counseling this week.