One Perfect Burpee

Clear, full moon, ~ 55 degrees 8 PAX posted to the Trojan for a Beaker beatdown. Warm-a-rama: mosey around the loop, Arm Circles, Trunk Rolls, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Best Stretch Ever (Dr. Seuss-style), Bird Dogs, T-Planks, Calf Stretch The Thang: Motivators from 7 to 1 Split into two group of four each. Group 1: …

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Rock You Like A Hurricane

It was damp and quiet (hmm, too quiet) at 5:25 this morning at Willow Lane parking lot. Deuce opted to ruck, so Dropbox and I started our run. At that moment out of nowhere, a cold, strong, breezy rain kicked up right in our faces. After a few minutes of squinting through the stinging precip …

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A Chieftain Dora 1 – 2 – 3

Amazingly this was only YHC’s THIRD Q at Indian Valley since launching nearly THREE months ago. Just incredible support from the PAX in this area! Disclaimer was given carefully as we welcomed Natty Light back for his 2nd beat down! Warmarama: Windmills x 15 IC Imperial Walkers x 15 IC Hillbillies x 15 IC Arm …

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IPC Finale

Conditions: It was a cool, damp and foggy start to the beatdown for the final week of Iron Pax. 12 courageous abandoned the fart sack to come for the final, agonizing, IPC challenge. YHC wasn’t in a playful mood to begin the beatdown and quickly stated the disclaimer and commanded all PAX to mosey to the …

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Ruck 50

YHC posted for a 3.8 mile ruck in 57 minutes with a 27# ruck sack. Time was spent praising God in song.

Stand for the Six

Disclaimer was given: All said aye! Warmup: sun god, grass Pickers, overhead claps, monkey humpers, Abe Vigoda, side lunges, plank jacks Mosey to the telephone poles The Thang: Pole1 to pole2….. backwards bear crawl, pole 2 pole 3…. side shuffle, pole3 to pole4….. forwards bear crawl, pole4 to the end…. other side shuffle, at the …

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LOF, Q sign-up, and a workout.

Rhyming Disclaimer, LOF rules accepted Warm-up:  IC x20: imperial walkers, toy soldiers, overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, Abe Vigodas, grass pickers, Peter Parkers, WGS, butt kickers, Freddie Mercury, high knees, mountain climbers, SSH, Merkins, goof balls, burpees. The Thang:  Groups of three with weights, jump rope, and Mary mat.  Partners rotate through sets of AMRAP …

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Wives Tales

This was a Seven of Diamonds workout designed for a full body.  Truth be told, I wanted it to be more challenging, but starting each round with 7 burpees is no slouch. 7 of Diamonds    Disclaimer – Given   Warmarama Neck Roles Trunk roles Arm circles Huggy bears Side straddle hops Grass Pickers Abe …

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Iron Pax Challenge Week 3 Warmup!

Disclaimer was given Warmups…sun God’s, overhead claps, plank jacks, side lunge, plank jacks, merkins The Thang 400m run, 60 merkins 400-meter run, 50 squats 400 meter run, 40 merkins 400-meter run, 30 squats 400 meter run, 20 merkens 400m run, 10 squats 800 meter run….we did it in just over 26 min Round of Mary …

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Grill Threesome

3 PAX posted for a modified IPC workout. Warm-a-rama: mosey to the basketball court for arm circles, SSH, Abe Vigoda, Butt Kickers, High Knees, BSE, Mountain Climbers, Plank Jacks Mosey back to the park for the Thang Run ~ 200 yards across field and back between each set of reps: 100 LBC 90 Squats 80 …

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F3 Lehigh Valley