Disclaimer given,Warm Up complete,The Thang was exercises in the parking lot,bear crawl up the grass hill,mosey to the second park, exercises there including motivators,jog back to the corner of American and Walnut, overhead claps,mad dash down the hill, squats,mosey to BB courts, sprints, burpees,lbcs, crunchy frogs,jog back to parking lot, bearcrawl, crab walk and  Mary.Well …

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Beaker Birthday Bash

3 PAX posted for a warm workout on YHC’s birthday.  Ringworm joined the party half-way through the workout.  He had a valid excuse since he comes straight from work. Warm-a-rama: mosey to the tennis court for SSH, Abe Vigoda, Best Stretch Ever, Butt Kickers, High Knees, Carioca The Thang 4 rounds of exercises divided into …

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Slow & Steady

Seven of us met up. I gave the disclaimer and we got after it. We started with a standard warm up of arm circles, circle arms, Abe Vigodas, IT Band stretches and SSH. After that we took a mosey around Reeves Park, stopping occasionally to do an ever building number of merkins and air presses. …

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Extended Ruck

Conditions: It was a partly sunny start to the first F3 workout of the week with a temperature of 77 degrees and significant humidity. YHC reluctantly abandoned the cozy fart sack to sharpen his body on 5 hours of sleep. ”Thang:” Rucking PAX departed from Lil Le Hi parking lot and trekked to the third bridge …

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Conditions: It was a sunny and comfortable start to the beatdown with a temperature of 66 degrees. 14 PAX, including one FNG, proud papa being Puck, abandoned the fart sack to sharpen their bodies while shaping bonds. Warm-a-Rama: All exercises below were performed for 14 reps IC, with the exception of the first exercise. Rep count was …

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South Mtn Blues

Conditions: It was a sunny start with a temperature of 64 degrees. YHC posted for the ruck with a 25# ruck sack. “Thang:” I departed from the Shimerville Rd parking lot at 0530 and walked east onto PA Ave. I made a right onto 12th street followed by a left onto Arch St. I trekked through Chestnut …

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Cool Tunes Blasting at the Blast Furnace

It had been a while since YHC led a musical workout at the Blast Furnace and I was looking for a good use of my new Bluetooth Speaker, so it didn’t take long to decide what we should do…plus Element hadn’t seen my very professional and manly whiteboard yet so there was that reason as …

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Don’t Look!

Nice day and growing # of Pax at the Ranch 5 F3 principles and disclaimer given and acceptedWOR Some light stretching neck rolls, huggy Bears, mosey to b-ball court and circle up for ssh, seal jacks, goofballs, abevigado, grass pickers, best stretch ever, peter Parker’s, shoulder taps The thang sprint 7xs across b-ball court, sideline …

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FINALLY a Lowes Q at The Chieftain – Accountability 101!

After a COVID scare that kept me away last week, it was finally time for YHC’s first Q at F3 Indian Valley’s The Chieftain! It was another beautiful morning at Franconia Community Park with low humidity (at least it seemed that way for this Georgia native) and 64 degrees and clear skies! 7 #HIM showed …

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I Hate Bear Crawls, But We Did Them Anyway

WARM UP jog in place, boxing trot, butt-kickers, high knees, skip to my Lou stretch, Abe Vigodas, swan dive Side straddle hops Peter Parkers THE THANG Mosey to basketball court 5 sets of Bear crawls across basketball court, 10 squat pulse at each end MOSEY TO PLAYGROUND Split up into three groups. Different exercises in …

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F3 Lehigh Valley