Blast Furnace Tabata

Three iron PAX posted in the gloom for a rousing Tabata set.  Warm-up with SSH (25xIC), Imperial Walker (20xIC), AbeVigota (15xIC), Bat Wings (20xIC), Hillbilly Walker (20xIC), and Windshield Wipers (15xIC).  Mosey to the stage for more warm-ups: two sets of Dips (16xIC), American Hammer (16xIC), and Step-ups (16xIC).  Some refreshing Tabata sets followed, each …

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At least we will still have the gloom Willow

Practically a rolling start to this workout.  YHC jogged up to find he was elected Q this morning.  Not a lot of planning needs to go into a Ruck / Run option workout.  3 opted for Ruck and 4 opted for Run.  Disclaimer given and accepted. Rucks – loaded up and hit the path walking …

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Good to be Out!

Beautiful sunrise and quite time this morning.  2 pax showed up at the Fish Hatchery.  Dr. Seuss did a 2.0 mile ruck and YHC did a 5 mile run in 45 minutes.  Disclaimer and COT were done OYO with nature.  Amazing morning to get out there 70 degrees at 05:30 this morning before it gets …

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Humid Heavy Hills

F3 Disclaimer   Warmarama 3-5 min easy run in parking lot and then circle up 10 Arm Circles Forward & Back 10 Huggy Bears 10 Trunk Twists 10 Hip Rotations  10-20 Knee Rolls 10-20 Ankle Rolls per Side   Part 1 Pax had to choose a weight/load/object anywhere from 3 to 70 lbs. Then 4 …

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Sweat and Sand

Rhyming Disclaimer: Beckenbauer jog for warm up, plus three 30 X 30 X 30’s. Warm up: OYO- trunk rolls, huggy bears, LB arm circles. IC -overhead claps, Moroccan night clubs, imperial squat walkers, and lung walk. Low impact cardio: in sand Merkins, Peter Parkers, mountain climbers, plank walk, and Freddie Mercury. Core stability: in sand …

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Bringing Tunes to the Chieftain

As a millennial, YHC needs to have his tunes while working out Conditions: A humid 71 degrees Disclaimer: given and accepted by all Warmup: arm circles, circle arms, stretching, grass pickers, SSHs YHC needed a little tour of the beautiful and large park, so a mosey around the various fields was in order before the …

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BBB take 2

YHC saved the limp, wrinkled, weinke from Saturday’s workout at the Grill for a repeat use at the Trojan.  The humidity only added to the condition of it.  However, it was still readable. Warm-a-rama: mosey around the loop, SSH, Abe Vigoda, Grass Pickers, Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees, Carioca, Side shuffle The Thang 4 …

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Hill WO from Hell

Conditions: It was a partly sunny start to the day with mildly pink clouds, dry but humid, and a temperature of 71 degrees. Five PAX kicked the fart sack cover off and posted to the workout to strengthen their bodies and sharpen their bonds. Four PAX ran and one PAX rucked with a 30# ruck sack. …

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Lunges thru the Swamp

Disclaimer given. Mosey to the flag pole. Warm-ups: Neck roles, Arm circles, Moroccan nightclubs, Abe Vigotas, SSH, Grass Pickers, Monkey Humpers, Mountain Climbers, Peter Parkers, Imperial Walkers The Thang: 3 sets of 4 exercises as followes: 20 – Squats, Lunge across the midfield, 20 – Merkins, Sprint back to start. Plank for the Six. Repeat. …

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Dissatisfaction Guaranteed

Lured out of the fartsack by the enticement of the money-back guarantee of an objectionable beatdown, eight eagerly posted. With a gruff greeting they were read their rights, debriefed, and mosied with anticipation into morning misery. A quarter mile jog ended with a warmup: Abe Vagodas, sun gods, SSHs, grass pickers, and squats. The Thang …

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F3 Lehigh Valley