The Bermuda Triangle

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Imperial Walkers, Murkins, Shoulder Taps, Neck Rolls, Trunk Rolls, Arm Circles, Moseyed around the Park to the bottom of the hill near the soccer field for three exercises dealers choice and then running to the top of the hill and back to the park. The “Thang “ …

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6 at the Trojan for a break from the really hot weather this morning. Disclaimer given and accepted with aye WOR – short mosey and tried out a few new (to me) exercises today Huggie bear, arm circle, ssh 20IC, abe vigado 10IC, grass picker 10IC, best stretch ever, lunge w/trunk twists, bird dogs, fire …

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Partner Power up the Hill

Conditions :   68 and humid, overcast and about to rain Beatdown  : 4 PAX Posted (1 FNG) DISCLAIMER :  Was given in earnest (due to FNG and to remind us all) as well as a review of the 5 Core Values! Warmup :   10x arm circles – IC 10x circle arms – IC Michael …

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WU: SSH, Abe Vigotas, Merkins, Grass Pickers, LBCs, Imperial Walkers Mosey to the soccer field The Thang: Men spread out on the LINE.  Jog across and back.  Bernie Sanders across and back, kareoke all the way there and back, 5X Bear Crawls and back, Squats between sets. Mosey To the Pavilion: Dips, Incline Merkins, Step …

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Two for Tabata

YHC was almost expecting a solo workout due to PAX being out of town or already informing that they had other conflicts.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when Mr. Green drove in.  The nursery business finally slowed down enough for him to return to the Grill… at least until hunting season starts up.  Nonetheless, it …

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5 Q Workout

No one on Q today so we co-Q’d. Per Cougar, warm up routine: Parker Peters, Side Straddle Hops, Abe Vigodas, Monkey Humpers. We jogged the outer edge of the park to the pavilions near the football field. Per Dial Up, Pavilion 1- pull ups and then bear crawl to next pavilion, Pavilion 2- Bonnie Blairs …

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Block Party

AO: The Ranch (Lehigh Valley) The Traveling Block Party Date: 8-1 Pax: downsize, Dropbox, nemo (happy birthday!),  openhouse, tuba, longhaul, xena QIC: Special K Warmorrama: 25 SSH IC 15 gravel pickers IC 15 Moroccan night clubs IC 10 burpees oyo The thang Indian Run to the field across from soccer field- American st to walnut …

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1, 2, 3, 4

8 Pax met at the blast furnace for a simple counting workout. Conditions- a dry 70 degrees Disclaimer given Warm up- Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Copperhead Squats, Abe Vagodas, all into a simple stretching routine before a short mosey around the park to the baseball diamond. The Thang round 1: 1 burpee, run to the …

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Group Effort

Change in travel plans and lack of plans lead to a group Q.  Beaker, Ditto, and Pork Chop started off with Ringworm joining us ~ 20 minutes in after he finished work. Moseyed to the end of the street for warm-a-rama and back to the shovel flag for various routines as we made are way …

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Tabata sets. Cone drills and backboard jumps on hoops court. Lots of pulling activity on jungle gym. Ended with ACDC Thunderstruck: everytime you hear the word ‘Thunder’ you do a push up. Plank while you wait. Good times! That’s me doing my first bear crawls! Capone

F3 Lehigh Valley