Dealers choice workout

Warm up SS hops, Abe Vagotas, Grass pickers, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Sun Gods, Huggy Bears, Murkins, Shoulder Taps, Neck and Trunk Rolls OYO. Moseyed 1/2 mile to the Ranch park#2 each pax picked a workout exercise to perform. Dips, Murkins, pull-ups, swing Murkins ( feet up on swings) dry docks, Crab Cakes, big boy sit …

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Tarzan Training

F3 Disclaimer- By Sensei   Warmarama   Approximately 8 min easy run around Emmaus Park and then circle up back at shovel flag 10 Arm Circles Forward & Back 10 Huggy Bears 10 Trunk Twists 10 Hip Rotations  10 Side to Sides 10-20 Knee Rolls 10-20 Ankle Rolls per side   The Workout   2 …

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Run, Deconstruct, Rinse and Repeat

Conditions: It was a sunny and cool start to the beatdown with a temperature of 71 degrees. There was a lot of commotion to start the beatdown due to construction occurring a few hundred feet west of the “Hive” on Shimerville Rd. Eight PAX posted YHC return to Q at the “Hive.” Warm-a-Rama, Thang, Mary:  The …

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D&M Ruck

Conditions: It was a dark start to the ruck with clear skies and comfortable temperature of 71 degrees. Two PAX left the fart sack to trek 3.4 miles prior to the start of the Beatdown at 0630. Thang: YHC and Mani trekked away from the “Hive” up South Mountain Drive to the Dog Training center and …

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Andre Agassi Agony

YHC had been fortunate enough to Co-Q the launch of the Chieftain with Uptown Girl. I saw this as an opportunity to check back in on the men of Indian Valley and run an Andre Agassi themed beat down. Andre Agassi’s story is one of risk, reward, set back and redemption. He also sports a …

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Munchkin’s First Visit to Blast Furnace!

The clown car from Indian Valley down to Valley Forge is getting fuller, as both Fonda and Munchkin joined YHC on the short drive down 113 and 29 into the beautiful borough of Phoenixville and it’s crown jewel, the Blast Furnace! This was Munchin’s first time experiencing another F3 AO and I was on Q! …

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BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATION:  If you are Qing a workout it would be great if you could share with the PAX a little advertisement about your workout to prepare guys.  Here is an example borrowed from our downrange PAX in Morehead City, NC. Include your PRE-BLAST information on the 1st F Q GroupMe Channel. TEMPLATE: PREBLAST:  …

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Motivation at The Trojan

Warm Up – Neckrolls, arm circles, overhead claps, imperial walkers, monkey humpers, side straddle hops, plank, hamstring stretch, merkins, mountain climbers Mosey to the street and back to B-ball court Motivators. Bear crawl with merkins at free throw lines and half court. Suicides. Lunge walk with squats at free throw lines and half court. Suicides. …

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Dave in Quadruplicate

It is good thing hospital names are not used in F3 and each PAX (generally) has his own unique name.  Today the name of the day was “Dave” as 4 Dave’s posted to the workout and 3 of us are the same age.  It must have been one of the more popular names in 1964.  …

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Celebrate Like Rocky After Climbing the Stairs

Warm up jog in place, boxing trot, butt-kickers, high knees, skip to my Lou stretch, Abe Vigodas, swan dive Peter Parkers Mountain climbers The Thang Grab weights from car Lunge up the hill with weights inchworms mosey to back to the bottom of the hill Bear crawls up the hill Alternating lunge while curling weights …

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F3 Lehigh Valley