The Grill Gang & a Mani

Nice to have Mani visit us from the Hive  Warm-a-Rama, led by Pork Chop The warm-a-rama consisted of light jog, Jumping Jacks, Grass Pickers, Mountain Climbers, and Best Stretch Ever. The Thang, led by Pocahontas Round 1 – da Legs 10 reps of each * Squats + forward Lunge * Squats + side Lunge * …

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IPC wk0

IPC wk 0 4rounds (50squats, 40big boys, 30merkins, 20bonnie Blair’s, 10burpees, 400m run) Men got after it and all posted great times. That elevation gain was killer 😉. Enjoyed my first Q at the chieftain. Look forward to bringing a real Einstein Q on Labor Day. COT – it happened

Iron Pax challenge zero… Ranch

Warm up walking the park preparing for the workout.   The Thang 4 rounds 50 squats, 40Big boy sit ups, 30 Merkins, 20 Bonney Blares, 10 Burpees and a 400 meter ( 1/4 mile ) run rinsed and repeated 3 more times. Finished with C.O.T  

Misty Mountain

Conditions: It was dark, misty, foggy and humid with a temperature of 70 degrees. It was truly the gloom! Thang: Shimerville parking lot -> east onto PA Ave -> south onto 12th St -> east onto Arch St -> south/southwest in Chestnut Park -> west up 10th St/SMD to mailbox 4028 when the 0600 alarm sounded. Route …

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Two for the Gloom

‘Twas dark and dewy on the grounds of the ‘Hive.’ While most were asleep, only two PAX decided to ruck by. Mani and YHC trekked from the ‘Hive’ to the foggy hill of South Mtn Drive, only to turn around when the 0600 alarm sounded. We had great spiritual mumble chatter and insights to share …

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Iron PAX 2020 Week 0

Disclaimer accepted verbally by all. Warmup: Mosey with butt kickers, high knees, side shuffle, karaoke, backwards jog, and bending.  Exercises: OYO trunk rolls.  IC – imperial walkers, toy soldiers, grass pickers, Vigodas, night clubs, WGS, Peter Parkers, downward dog and calf stretch. The Thang: 4 rounds of: 50 squats, 40 big boy sit ups, 30 …

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Killer merkins

Warm up Arm circles Hip rolls Sun gods Grass pickers Abe bagoda Hip stretch Plank Lunge stretch Run to park Push ups Pull ups Squats Crunches Use swings to left right alternate Run through woods Push ups Squats Crab cakes Crunches Walking lunges Dry docks Run to pavilion Dips Push up Derkins Erkins Step ups …

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Pax pick o rama

Disclaimer was given…… Warm up….. Side lunge left, side Lunge Right, Abe Vegotas, Sun Gods, shoulder Taps, plank jacks, merkins The Thang…. We started off in the parking lot at one end with 12 to 1 merkins.  12… mosey to the other side, sshops for the 6, 11 merkins…. mosey to the other side ss …

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Half-Fast Workout

Always music! Sets of Tabata: 40 seconds on, 20 seconds off x 3: Pull Ups, ‘Mercans, In and Outs, Squat, Superman, Lunge, even Wheelbarrows Bo Nickal workout: 25 pushups, runway and back, 20 sit ups, run, 10 lunges, run, 5 burpees, run Mary and Broga  

Ladders, Burpees & Flutter Kicks

Five #HIM met up for some fun at the Blast Furnace. The disclaimer was given. We circled up for warm up of Arm Circles, Circle Arms, Imperial Walkers, SSHs, and light stretching. Then we took a warm up lap around the park. We went to the baseball outfield where Katniss & YHC had laid out …

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F3 Lehigh Valley