Black Friday. Clear, dry, 19 degrees.
Not all Black Friday advertisements live up to the hype. Judging by the mumble chatter at coffeteria, this one did!
Disclaimer verbally accepted by all.
Warm-up: IC – SSH, Monkey humpers, grass pickers, Abe Vigodas, Merkins, Mayweathers, mountain climbers, Peter Parkers, side lunge. Stretching OYO.
Mosey included side shuffle, butt kickers, and snake the hill. Brief stops for Derkins and dips. Pain train back to The Thang.
The Thang: LAA, LAA, LAA. 4 lanes of legs, abs, and arms. Each PAX selected a lane, each lane had 3 stations. Leg stations included 30 squats, 20 lunges each side, 10 Bonnie Blairs, and 30 calf raises. Abs stations included 30 Freddie Mercuries, 30 LBC’s, 30 half-superman, and 30 flutter kicks. Arms stations included coupons for 10 back rows each side, 12 deadlifts, 15 military presses, and 15 curls. Once each PAX progressed through a lane, he jogged back to the start and began the next lane.
Mary: Dealer’s choice included: crunchy frogs, LBC’s, scissor kicks, American hammers, and windshield wipers.
COT: NOR, COR, announcements and prayer requests. Pray that Mani’s colonoscopy would be “clean.” Welcome Butterfingers.