Every day is a Gift.

Warm up SS hops, Grass pickers, , Abe Vagotas, Murkins, Mountain Climbers, shoulder Taps, Bone Fish using two parking spaces each starting off with 1) side shuffling the ends and sprinting the length,  2) side shuffling the ends then Karaoke the length, 3) side shuffling the ends then boo boo Bear crawled the ends.  Finished …

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Ruck – Beehive

Conditions:  It was a damp, cool, foggy, icy morning at the Shimerville Rd parking lot for the start of the ruck with a temperature of 32 degrees. “Thang”:  Four brave HIM’s risked the fart sack to come out to the icy ruck this morning. The ruck started at the ‘Hive’ and moved out and along …

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Ruck – Trojan

Conditions:  It was a clear, cold, dark morning with a temperature of 19 degrees. “Thang”: The ruck started in the lower parking lot of the pavilion and trekked to Shantz road, briefly, then onto Windermier followed by a quick right onto Wyndam Dr. Wyndam Dr and Windermier met, but Wyndam continued. A left turn was …

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Breaks my spirit

After a detailed disclaimer, quick mosey and then the thing: Merkens, plank, arm locked leg lifts, deep squats, high knees. Repeat until the bell.

Tribute to the Mamba

Hearing the news this week of the helicopter crash with Kobe, his daughter and 7 other people on board has hit me in a way I was not expecting this week.  For me, as a player, Kobe often lived a life where his basketball career and the demands that come along with it came first.  …

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Walking Merkins

F3 Valley Forge Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA PAX : 4 high impact men posted in the 20 degree weather for an excellent Boyant led beatdown. Warmup : – mosey around the park (0.5 mile) – high knees – butt-kickers – karioake – motivators countdown from 5 IC – monkey humpers x20 IC – mountain climbers …

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Swamp – Ruck

Conditions:  It was a mostly cloudy, dark and damp morning at the swamp with a temperature of 37 degrees. “Thang”:  Dynamite was solo on the ruck carrying a load of 25#. The ruck started in the parking lot of the swamp and progressed up east Main street, then south on Glenwood Drive, then west on …

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In The Cards

Fleetwood F3 “The Pond” Wednesday 1/29/20 10 Posted – No FNGs Warm up: Toe touch stretch , arm circles, 30 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees Workout – “In The Card” Intermixed exercises and reps written on individual cards. Exercise on card was performed and then a 1/8 mile lap was ran. Card swap was allowed …

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Hindenburg blimp lands at the Swamp

Six posted on a comfortable January morning at the Swamp.Dynamite led the warm-up.We did motivators, Apollo Uno’s, running in place etc.We were thoroughly warmed up.I led us then in the Hindenburg Blimp.4 corners.10 Burpees at each corner,20 lunges,30 imperial walkers,40 merkins,we were smoked,50 squats.We ran between corners,side shuffled,high knees etc.Ran out of time for plank …

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Calorie and Macro Challenge

An important first step to make nutritional goals and targets is to first know where you are at with regards to your caloric intake and macros (protein, carbohydrates, and fats).  This way you will be able to better plan if you need to scale back your calories to lose weight, maintain weight, or even try …

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F3 Lehigh Valley