DialUp Special

F3 Blast Furnace, Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA PAX : 3 Conditions: Cloudy and overcast 41 degrees Warm-up Stretches Mosey around Reeves Park (1 loop, 0.5 mi) Arm circles (Side, front up high above head) Seal-claps 20 – Side Straddle Hops Imperial walkers with a squat thrust (no merkin) The Workout – Amphitheater Repeat 5 times 10 …

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Self motivated

Warm up SS hops,  light jog. The Thang. Ran 3.4 miles and pushed myself to keep moving forward.  Finished with a 50 yard sprint to finish. Finished and thanked the Lord for giving me the strength to show up.

Triange of Doom

Warm up jog in place, boxing trot, butt-kickers, high knees, skip in place stretch, Abe Vigodas, swan dive Peter Parkers Mountain climbers It was raining so we worked out in a pavilion. Circuit training in 3 different stations in triangle formation. Jog 2 laps around perimeter of pavilion after each station 1st circuit- 20 reps …

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Ditto’s Birthday

A respectable trio posted to the Grill for a mid-winter workout.  Conditions were damp, chilly, but sunny.  Ditto showed up exactly at 7:00.  He wasn’t planning to come but just had to show up to share his birthday F3-style.  We’re glad he graced us with his presence. Warm-a-rama: Arm Circles, Sun Gods, Trunk Rolls, Abe …

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Moonlit Merkins

With a full moon at near perigee, nine #HIM joined up in Reeves Park for a Trigger lead workout. We started with a warm up lap and circled up for a few exercises. We moved on to a team dora where we burned through 50 pull ups, 50 burpees, 100 squats, 150 merkins and 200 …

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Travel Time

Fleetwood PAX: Iron Maiden 5 posted – SlowBear, Treehugger, Trapper, Spammer, Cratchit No FNGs Q – SlowBear Warm up: 20 cadence side-straddle hops 10 burpees for late post Arm circles/huggie bears Traveling time: (Across Pavilion long ways – approx: 100ft.) High knee skips / 10 merkins / high knee skips Lunge walk / 10 merkins …

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Preparedness 101

Conditions:  It was a crisp, clear, and dry morning with the sun beginning to rise at the start of the beatdown. Preface: At the ‘Hive’ this morning, the LV PAX were blessed with the presence of D-Fib and two FNG’s, later named Porky and Twinkletoes, from Danville to get a preview of how to run …

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‘Hive’ Ruck 2/8/20

Conditions:  It was a dark and cold start to the day with a temperature of 29 degrees. There wasn’t a wind and there were some icy spots on 10th St due to water run off and the slope of the hill. “Thang:” Dr. Seuss and I (Dynamite) were the only HIM’s to post for the …

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3’s a crowd

Warm-a-rama: SSH x 20 Abe Vigodas x 15 Monkey Humpers x 15 Merkins x 15 Carolina Dry Docks x 15 Mountain Climbers x 15 The Thang: Run 0.5 miles Arms and Core: 3 sets of each Pull ups x 10 Merkins x 20 LBCs x 30 Inclined Rows x 20 Wide arm merkins x 20 Freddy …

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Reps & Smoots Rinse and Repeat

The 2020 inaugural workout resurfaced this morning due to minimal attendance on 1/1/2020. Ten pax strong today to share in the beat down. So what is a Smoot? The smoot /ˈsmuːt/ is a nonstandard, humorous MIT unit of length created as part of an fraternity prank. It is named after Oliver R. Smoot, a fraternity pledge …

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F3 Lehigh Valley