Pocahontas and the LOF

The morning was frigid but sunny.  Temperatures were flirting with single digits.  YHC was uncharacteristically unprepared without a winke but had a general plan in mind.  However, I was pleasantly surprised when Dr. Seuss pulled in with an unannounced visit from the Lehigh Valley.  He came with Lady Glittersparkles, the Log of Fame to commemorate …

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Post rain Brotherhood & proper form challenge

Mozzie to BB court began the warm-a-rama Awesome half court press assorted buffet of warm up beat downs Huggie bears, hops, monkey hampers, merkins, and a host of sprints. Mozzie back to base; greeted by Flame coupons Set 1 – 20 Overhead curls boosted by coupons – pass the coupon chest pressed out to the …

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Ironclad Workout 7

Warm Up  800m (½ mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only. 10 LBAC, 10 Huggy Bears, 10 Abe Vagodas, 10 Grass Pickers, 30 second Plank, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Ankle Rolls per side The Man Maker Ladder …

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Somebody’s Been Watching Youtube

Warm up jog in place, boxing trot, butt-kickers, high knees, skip in place, skip to my Lou stretch, swan dive Shoulder taps Mountain climbers Mosey around the ring to pavilion The Thang Everyone partners up Plank position, head to head with your partner and tap their shoulder- 20 reps While on your Six, facing your …

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Ruck – Beehive

Conditons:  It was a dark, clear and brisk 12 degrees to begin the ruck from the ‘Hive’ at 0536… a little late getting off the ground. “Thang:” Hush Puppy (FNG), Quadzilla and Dynamite trekked from the Shimerville Rd parking lot of the ‘Hive’ and traveled east onto PA Ave. We then traveled south onto 12th …

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Stage Fright

Warm Up: SS Hops, Abe Vigodas, Grass Pickers, Toe Touches, Leg Stretches, Mountain Climbers, Downward Dog-ish Stretches, Squat Jumps The Thang: Mosey – one lap around The Ranch 10 minutes of 7-10 Burpees per minute alternating with squats, lunges, stage step-ups, LBCs Team up/Relay: 3 PAX mosey from Stage to BBall Court and back while …

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Gun Show

It was a very chilly 8 to 12° morning, but the guns we blazing regardless.  Another on of Sensei’s we’ll designed upper body workout. Warm Up 800m (½ mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only. 10 LBAC, 10 Huggy Bears, 10 Abe …

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Balancing bear blasts past 50

Dynamite hit his 50th workout at a blazing pace and was graced with keeping sweet lady glittersparkles off the tarmac. Somehow he was managing to balance Lady Glittersparkles on his back for some of the bear crawl. We stayed under cover for most of the beatdown to keep our paws dry. WOR Arm circles, huggie …

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Be my valentine

Quick disclaimer, then the pax ran 22 minutes out including up a hill, then 20 minutes back to the start, stretched, circle of trust. Hard, stop. modification included 40 lb vest.

F3 Lehigh Valley