That’s a LONG way for a Partner Carry!

6 #HIM gathered at #F3BlastFurnace on a breezy yet comfortable morning! After welcoming back Compass!!! and disclaiming my responsibility for what was to ensue, the PAX began to warm up as follows: Weedpicker x 15 IC Hillbilly x 15 IC SSH x 15 IC Typically we will continue to warmup with a nice mosey around …

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Arrival of the Gloom

40 degrees, windy and rain.  Overall a great workout this morning even being under the pavilion for nearly the entire workout.  7 PAX braved the wind and enjoyed the sweat and laughter that accompianied the workout.  Great to see our buddy Sunshine return to F3 this morning.  Hoping to see more of him in the …

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Warmarama:  Arm circles and mumble chatter. 20 Side Straddle Hops IC 10 Imperial Walkers IC 20 Mountain Climbers 20 Merkins Mosey The THANG! Part 1: Step Ups and Dips, 10 each for three rounds Part 2:Mosey to Wall.  People’s Chairs and Balls to Wall and People’s Chair with punches– Each PAX gives a 10 count. Part …

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Ironclad Workout 8

Warm Up  800m (½ mile) @ Easy pace or 150 Side Straddle Hops – Conversational pace and can breath out of your nose only. 10 LBAC, 10 Huggy Bears, 10 Abe Vagodas, 10 Grass Pickers, 30 second Plank, 10 Merkins, 10 Peter Parkers, 10 Monkey Humpers, 10 Ankle Rolls per side Leg Day It would …

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Layered Body Workout

F3 Blast Furnace, Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA Conditions: Sunny and 21 degrees Warm-up Stretches Mosey around Reeves Park (1 loop) Arm circles (Side, front up high above head) Basic Stretching The Workout – Playground Repeat 1 Minute Low Plank Hold 10 Burpees ½ Mosey around park Repeat 1 Minute Low Plank Hold 10 Burpees or …

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Iron Clad – 7 with Modification

Conditions:  It was a dry, clear and sunny start to the beatdown with a temperature of 24 degrees. Warm-a-Rama: Q’d by Quadzilla Jog around the parking lot x1 lap High knees (shovel flag to 1/2 Shimerville Rd parking lot) and back Karaoke (shovel flag to 1/2 Shimerville Rd parking lot) and back Hurdle steps (shovel flag …

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Run from the pain

Backblast: SlowBear was the Q -Ran .6 miles then did 50 push-ups and 50 squats -Ran .6 miles then did 50 push-ups, 50 squats, 50 jumping jacks, 50 crunches. -Ran .6 miles then did 165 jumping jacks followed by planking and abs. BooBoo ran a secondary group of non-runners. Thank you BooBoo! Started an “Edu-Plank” …

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4 Corners of Pain

Reeves Park, Phoenixville, PA Thursday morning workout, 5:30a-6:15a Boyant led with a quick disclaimer, and then off to a quick 0.25 mile lap halfway around Reeves Park. Warmup included : – side straddle hops IC – arm circles IC – circle arms IC – mountain climbers IC Mid warm-up : 3 rounds of : – …

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Isn’t it IRONIC – 02/20/2020

It was a beautiful 26 degrees!  The Pax was welcomed to the only FREE peer lead bootcamp work in the Lehigh Valley.  Reminded of course that it’s peer lead by guys in the workout who are not professional.  Modification suggested exercises is recommended for everyone’s safety.  Today was a tribute to the 1990’s; which got …

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The Mack hilltop run

Warm up SS hops,  Abe Vagotas,  Murkins,  Grass pickers in Cadence The “Thang” Started by lapping the parking lot then exiting the parking lot and climbed the hill at a good pace pushing ourselves to go faster. We ran up the hill and down to route 100 across 100 to the field across from mack …

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F3 Lehigh Valley